Step 2: SUCCESS! With the keys '艹' and '田' (click them for their own meanings) you have just found 7 Chinese characters! They are . TOO MUCH? Go on! Click another black key from your Chinese character:

Tap the next key above! Or explore the meaning of Chinese characters that have been just found (long Chinese words with the characters — or click their pinyin):

to understand, to know

depict, to trace (a drawing), to copy, to touch up

cat, pussy

(surname), Miao tribe, sprout

(surname), supervise, to direct, director

to store

BO2, BO4, BAO2
mean, slight, thin, thin, slight, meagre, small, ungenerous, unkind, mean, frivolous, despise, belittle, to approach, to go near, peppermint

Need the components' meanings? Click them:

<<< 女 + 也 = 她 : build YOUR character!